Sunday, February 21, 2021



Presidential Rankings

Presidents Day 2021

Since 1982 the Siena College Research Institute Survey of U.S. Presidents has conducted a broadly-based, non-partisan survey of historians, political scientists and influential presidential scholars. Since its beginning cited as one of the most respected surveys, it ranks Presidents across twenty different categories:

  • Background

  • Imagination

  • Integrity

  • Intelligence

  • Luck

  • Willing to Take Risks

  • Avoid Crucial Mistakes

  • Court Appointments

  • Domestic Accomplishments

  • Executive Appointments

  • Foreign Policy Accomplishments

  • Handling of U.S. Economy

  • Party Leadership

  • Relationship with Congress

  • Ability to Compromise

  • Communication Ability

  • Executive Ability

  • Leadership Ability

  • Overall Ability

  • Acceptance of Responsibility

Traditionally the newest rankings are published annually on President’s Day. Previous SCRI surveys of U.S. Presidents have been reported in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Scholarly Reviews, and national news outlets (publication by the latter having been somewhat preempted by recent events).

Over time one President or another has risen or fallen in ranking based on new scholarship, revelations of consequences of their presidency not previously known or considered, and/or addition due to a President’s term ending. A sitting President is never ranked precisely because not enough is known about his actions until the day he leaves office. For this reason, 2021 is first year Donald Trump was included. [NOTE: Trump is referred to as 45th. This includes Grover Cleveland, only President to serve non-consecutive terms, who is sometimes counted twice.]

For many years the top five ‘best’ Presidents have been largely consistent and predictable. For 2021 survey these are:

1. George Washington (1789-1797)

2. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)

3. Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865)

4. Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt (1901-1909)

5. Thomas Jefferson (1801–1809)

As to the bottom five, or ‘worst’ Presidents, James Buchanan has long been held to have been most ‘ineffective’ because of his failure to prevent dissolution of the Union in 1860. Last in this year’s survey is Andrew Johnson, who followed Lincoln in 1865 and was first to be Impeached. Our ninth President, William Henry Harrison, who died thirty days into office after contracting pneumonia at his inauguration, was moved up one level to be ranked 39th in this survey.

According to the 2021 Presidents Day survey released by SCRI, these are the current bottom five:

40. Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)

41. Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)

42. Donald Trump (2017-2021)

43. James Buchanan (1857-1861)

44. Andrew Johnson (1865-1869)

A complete list with brief bio is available at

He who is ignorant of history wasn’t watching while it was happening

Sunday, February 14, 2021



He who is ignorant of history wasn’t watching while it was happening!

The Trump Inquisition – Epilogue


Having watched just about all of mercifully now ended Impeachment Trial, thought it’d be grossly inappropriate to offer a summation of why and how I would have voted in the matter. Therefore, here it is. Read at own risk.

First, I most assuredly am not a lawyer, don’t even play one on Social Media (whatever that is). In the interest of full disclosure, did cheat a bit on this. During a squandered youth at one time I held a Real Estate Broker license, Series 7 Security Exchange Commission license, and was an ‘Enrolled Agent’ qualified to represent clients before the Internal Revenue Service. In the end, though, all I really know about law is what I learned from my father, and just a whole lot of 1950’s TV. Also, if it counts, we have very smart daughter who is a real lawyer, and a favorite son-in-law who ought to be in Congress (whom I’m trying to impress with the above self-promotion).

Second, as with maybe half the sitting Senators, it is no secret I do not think much of Donald Trump the person. What he was as President can only be left to history for judgment. But, among the principles of law my father taught me is that a good lawyer can defend either side, and every juror must be objective. If we really want fairness and justice, we must first give it. This means we must listen to both sides; if you don’t, you’ll never know the whole story.

Third, I honestly believe the trial, if that what it is, was ill-advised at best. The victims were on the indicting grand jury, witnesses sit on the jury, and whole thing comes down to politics and not guilt or innocence. In the final Senator’s vote there were a mere seven candidates for ‘profiles in courage’.

My Overview As Of Now

the Case of House “Managers” (Prosecution)

Their presentation was about 10 hours extended over two days. In this observation, that was about twice the time it might have taken to present the case against Trump. A lot more information was presented than was germane to question of whether Trump ‘incited’ an insurrection. Much time was given to events of that day, damage done, and personal trauma inflicted. Presumably this was so the ‘jury’ could not argue there was no evidence to considered a riot even occurred.

Perhaps superfluous, but telling, the prosecution also pointed out irreparable damage done to our Democracy, how Trump has made worthless internationally the word of the President; and that he willingly destroyed US reputation in world in his attempt to overthrow certified legal results of the 2020 election.

Solely in this opinion, all of the above is moot.

There was, however, a complete, step-by-step, compelling, factual and well documented presentation by managers as to how event was instigated, enabled, and encouraged by Trump and his subordinates:

  • For two months preceding the event Trump was clearly and knowingly involved and encouraging of supporter efforts

  • He used Twitter and public statements to encourage gathering on specific date

  • Fifty-million campaign dollars were used to implement and finance the event as a Trump “call” to his supporters to action

  • Insider planning included stand-down orders to law enforcement authorities

  • He could have reasonably expected his words would incite reaction of some kind

  • During the event he failed and/or refused to give Presidential orders or personal instructions which could have saved lives

the The Case of the Defense

After inauspicious start, I thought the presentation was a clear and compelling exposition of their legal theories. Especially so given it was obviously their first time in the big leagues and had less than a week to be prepared.

Basically they made no visible effort to disprove any of submitted evidence, only disputed the manager’s interpretation.

These are central arguments as I heard them:

  1. Due Process was not provided in the Impeachment process. They made cohesive argument “indictment” (i.e. Article of Impeachment) was flawed. It was rushed through without testimony or witnesses by emotionally involved, politically motivated House of Representatives.

  • NOTE: If anybody had asked me, which they were wise to not do, these are valid arguments.

  1. The Trial itself was unconstitutional as it began after Trump had left office.

  • SIDEBAR: Delay in conveying Articles of Impeachment to Senate, and delay of trial until after January 20, 2021 were entirely decisions of and under control of then majority leader Republican Senator Mitch McConnell.

    • By bi-partisan vote the jurisdiction of Senate to hold trial was made a rule. Jurors were not to consider this theory of the Constitution in their deliberations. Republican Senator Burr (NC) specifically cited this rule as a criteria for his ‘guilty’ vote.

  1. First Amendment allowed Trump to speak freely, even unrestricted; and opposition had taken text out of context to make their case.

  2. As there was no insurrection as legally described. The only charge could be “incitement to violence”. There was no conspiracy participation on part of Trump to organize or incite violence.

How I would have voted

In the sure and certain knowledge this is a political and not strictly legal thing, mine is a split decision.

YES on Guilty of Incitement to Violence

  • The only issue on the table are the events and actions surrounding a riot on January 6th. Evidence may be understood differently by opposing sides. However, the facts are clear, recorded, and publicly available. The defense made no attempt at rebuttal to this.

  • The attack on the Capital was premeditated. Insurgents planned for it, knew what they were going to do before they got there. Day was chosen to coordinate with date promoted by Trump to ‘stop’ the electoral vote.

  • Trump failed to act in a timely and forceful manner to impede his followers, nor did he authorize forceful response where any other President of my lifetime would have been expected to act.

  • Any President of the United States has an inherent ‘apparent authority’ which imposes a greater weight of responsibility. What the President says must be reliable, this country has gone to war at his word. Those who attacked the Capital building would have never done so if the only speakers that day had been Rudy and Donny Jr. The actions of that day most definitely were done by people who believed it was what “my president ordered”. On this one specific occasion Trump sowed the wind, and the nation will reap the whirlwind. For this any POTUS must be held to account. He cannot turn his back and once again say, “I’m not responsible at all.”

NO on Denial of Future Office

[NOTE: Removal from office is not a factor here, but my observations would be similar.]

The only vote would be on denying ability to run again for office. Such a vote would not, in this opinion, be in the highest and best interest of country.

  • Seventy-four millions Americans can be wrong, but they voted for the guy. Denying the choice of voters has always led to tragic unintended consequences.

  • All that could come of not allowing him to run again would be to make him a “martyr”. From such a platform he could promote any agenda, implement any vendetta, and raise more money for any purposes.

  • This is not over. It has just begun. He will be occupied enough for some time in multiple civil lawsuits and criminal investigations. Plus, inquiry into any criminal involvement in the insurrection – such as was suggested by both his defense counsel and McConnell.

What I would have done different

Certainly the House of Representatives felt they were operating under the constraint of time, there being only two weeks between the riot and end of Trump term. In the mind of Democrat majority, Impeachment was the logical action to take.

If I were asked, and I most certainly was not, I would have argued for a ‘Censure’ of Trump and public rebuke of those involved in the speeches given that day.

Then, if I’d been asked, I would have suggested a formal Criminal Referral to the Justice Department for a complete investigation into the background and causes of the events in question. As one of defense lawyer pointed out: If there were crimes committed the appropriate authorities have the time, know how to build a case, and can make arrests.


  • Citizens of the United States of America were ill-served by the manner and methods of these events. As a result it will be years before all the truths are exposed of Trump’s intents and actions.

  • Donald Trump was not the first, and will not be the last habitual criminal to escape immediate consequences due to a somewhat strained legal technicality.

  • History demands those not watching closely will not see it for what it is, an ‘end of the beginning’ of what we once thought was America. Whatever we will be, it is not what we were because of Donald John Trump.

This fight ought to have been fought in the court of public opinion. It was not. The ‘fix’ was always ‘in’. This ‘trial’ was held in front of men and women who had largely made up their minds before the first day. Republican Members of the ‘jury’ conspired with the defense attorneys; during the proceedings some of the ‘jury’ ignored the testimony, occupied their self with busy work, some slept, others left the room rather than listen. History will condemn those who voted to ignore the facts or made too little of them. History will record, also, for better or worse we got the future their vote presents us.

One Last Thing

On January 6, 2021 there was an attempted coup in the Capital of the United States of America. That it was a failure resolves nothing. As a consequence of this attempt it was deemed needful by a sitting administration to muster 25,000 armed troops to insure a ‘peaceful transition’ of government. Nothing good has ever come of all this.

The attempted coup of January 2021 failed. But, as one life-long terrorism expert admonished: “Do you know what to call a failed coup? A rehearsal.”

He who is ignorant of history wasn’t watching while it was happening!

Sunday, February 7, 2021



Sunday, February 7, 2021



These are some of publicly available knowable facts regarding the second Impeachment Trial of Donald John Trump now scheduled to begin in coming week:

  • On January 6, 2021 there was a riot at United States Capital involving extensive physical damage to the building and death threats against members of Congress, Speaker of the House, and Vice-President of the United States. Those threats made more ominous by the bringing to scene of a custom built gallows. Because people died in commission of felony(s), under law as commonly practiced in the United States participants in and instigators of the riot could be culpable for five counts of felony murder.

  • In the sixty-days preceding this riot Trump is known to have used his Twitter access and public utterances to encourage and enable supporters to gather on this specific date to ‘take back our country’ and to ‘stop the steal’ of the 2020 election. It should be here noted the Supreme Court has adjudged Tweets by a President are official statements of his government and can be so relied upon.

  • Immediately prior to riot Trump and others gave speeches which might have been interpreted as license to do ‘what was necessary’. People involved in pro-Trump demonstrations had reasonable basis to believe Trump had ‘apparent authority’ to give permission to enter Capital and ‘stop the steal’ in the form of stopping Constitutionally required count of Electoral votes. According to legal experts the First Amendment does not provide ‘free speech’ protection for “Imminent lawless actions” (Schenck v. United States, 1919).

  • There are reliable reports indicating some degree of organization was involved, although there is no public direct evidence any party who may have been involved had ‘command and control’ of events as they ultimately transpired. Of the some 200 who have been identified and/or charged, all have indicated allegiance to Trump. [NOTE: Solely in this writer’s understanding, given known facts of riot, motivations of participants are irrelevant.]

  • Impeachment by Democrat controlled House of Representatives was rushed through for reasons involving time constraints, immediate desire of vengeance for trauma inflicted, personal animus, and political motivations.

The above, combined with many years of observation of the human condition, lead this writer to propose result of this Impeachment Trial -- lacking a moment of ‘profiles in courage’-- will differ little from result of the first trial. History indicates both Parties will sacrifice duty, honor, country for sake of a political solution. A solution which, in their individual estimations, will most likely assure their own power, privilege, and profit.

Welcome to America 2021

 Posted to Brazil Times Blog September 11 2017 We were there We were there when everyone from Maine to California said it was a beautiful ...