Saturday, September 30, 2023

 Most Blessed Big Brother on Earth?

by David L Lewis - who has some experience with that question

Last week my favorite brother-in-law, Bob Wheeler, brought my baby sister Diane for a visit. It is curious how she is getting older and Bob and I are not. Maybe it’s because we don’t see each other often anymore, and miss changes the passage of time inflicts. Fortunately for me we live near Rose-Hulman, where their grandson’s team played “football” on the soccer field. Question: When that kid graduates will I never see her again? Just asking.

As it is with us old folks, we siblings spoke of health and hospitals, children and grandchildren, and of childhood happiness and adventures of which neither Bob nor Kay knew.

As I have admitted in other venues, It is unlikely I would have survived childhood and adolescence without the blessing of having Diane in my life. Maybe that’s why the morning after their visit an old Sunday School song was brought to mind:

Count your blessings, name them one by one;
Count your blessings, see what God hath done;
Count your blessings, name them one by one;
Count your many blessings, see what God hath done.

Counting ‘Di’ there have been many more blessings in my life than I can count, and certainly more than I realized in the course of life as the sun rose, the sun set, This is my ‘working list” of God’s blessings on my life –

  1. Someone once said the only thing by which a man can be judged is whether he did what he honestly believed God gave him to do. This I have done in my meager attempts to serve Him. Whether successful or failure in this service, the Lord has blessed me and mine.

  2. I have loved and been blessed by my wife Kay since the day we met, never looking to the right hand or the left. After all these years I still wake up and wonder how I’d get though the day, how I would live at all, without her.

  3. We had five children of whom any man could be proud. They not only know their parents love them, they love and accept each other. As I once told a neighbor, I know from experience that if I needed my eldest son he would drop everything and come. The neighbor replied, “I envy you.”

  4. We live in a house which truly has been made our home (mostly by the woman in my life). There is always this-n-that to do I suppose. But, we are safe in “the hallow of His hand” from dangers others face in forest fire, flood, or hurricane.

  5. At this point in our life we have no debt, no expensive vices, no unmet need. Our lives are quiet (okay, boring), but we have each other and having food and raiment are therein content.

  6. In all the journeys and struggles of my life it seems like there has always appeared an “angel unaware”. This, however, is subject for another day.

  7. Last of all, health. Yes, the vicissitudes of life exact their pound of flesh. And, my general health must be listed as on down side of ‘as good as it gets’. However, none of diseases now affect this body such as brought down my father at 50, or my brother at 65. Given two more weeks I’ll make it to 80, still alert enough to write what you just read.

All in all, today I consider myself the most blessed big brother on face of the earth,


Saturday, September 23, 2023

Hereby Is Proclaimed A

'Bill of Ought to Be'

The never-ending efforts of David L Lewis to make civilization safe for civility

In 1958 to ‘graduate’ from 8th grade in Missouri we had to pass test on United States ConstitutionEarned a whole $10 bill all for myself when I got an A+!  

So, as one who got an A+ on it 65 years ago, I’ve anointed myself an expert on American Constitution. Therefore, herewith, to wit I hereby proclaim the following Bill of Ought to Be (things which ought to be in Constitution but ain’t).


  1. Ought To Be Voting require passing Citizenship Testto determine if applicants have an adequate understanding of the English language, knowledge of US history, government, and civics.” Making everyone know enough to be a citizen of country in which they vote even if they still don’t for who or what they are voting.

  2. Ought To Be requirement everyone who wants to run for any office undergo a ‘72-hour psych hold’ to determine if they are sick as a dog, crazy as a loon, or dumb as a rock. If they are any or all three they’d probably still get elected; but at least we’d know what we got.

  3. Ought To Be implanted in every candidate a Lie Detecting Defibrillator to shock heart every time they tell a fact-checkable lie. A shock strong enough that anyone within 1000 feet would know it. Assuming, of course, we can find politicians with a heart.

  4. Ought To Be elected for each office both a Campaigner and a Functionary.

    1. The Campaigner would be handsome/beautiful, hypnotically eloquent, and preferably war hero. He/She could make any promise, tell any lies. He/she would have no real duties other than occasional ‘rally around the flag’ speeches to insure re-election of their Party.

    2. The Functionary, on other hand, would be somebody who could just quietly do the job, on time, under budget. As they said when I was in grade school, someone to “make the trains run on time.”

  5. Ought To Be Full Disclosure of donations totaling over $100 to any Party, PAC, or politician. This info could be posted for all the universe to see who’s buying who and how much each politician cost so we could get into the bidding to buy ourselves our own politician.

  6. Ought To Be Term Limit of two consecutive terms in same office, with lifetime limit on how may years a person can hold elected offices. At some point they’d all have to get real job and work for a living.

  7. Ought To Be Keep-It-Simple-Stupid requirement on all new laws. No Bill could include junk thrown in with absolutely nothing to do with anything. As it is now, God Almighty could personally walk into Congress with a 20-page Bill that would solve every problem on earth and cost nothing. By time it got to the President it would have become 5,000 pages of gibberish which would solve nothing, please no one, and increase national debt by several trillion borrowed dollars.

  8. Ought To Be repeal of two laws for every one passed. Sooner or later we’d get down to original ten.

  9. Ought To Be 1776 style ‘tar & feathering’ for violating an Oath. Seems in the past it was assumed everyone would put “duty, honor, country” ahead of all else. Many Laws and all ‘customs and norms and ethics assume people who’ve taken an Oath would simply be honorable. I’m all in favor of making America that way again, But, in meantime maybe some swift and certain public shaming might come in handy.

  10. Ought To Be repeal Law of Unintended Consequences’. That way no matter what happens nothing bad will come from worthless promises we hear, lies we are told, or even how really dumb and/or greedy our representatives are. We’d might just make America great again if only the Constitution included this one Ought To Be.

Just proclaiming solutions for some future generation who don’t take an 8th grade Constitution test.


Saturday, September 16, 2023

A fight for ‘right’ form of government by David L Lewis

Happy 236th Constitution Anniversary Day!

On September 18, 1787, the last day of Constitutional Convention, a lady asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor Franklin, what have we got. a Republic or a Monarchy?” Obviously the lady didn’t check her e-mail. The long hair, white guys who wrote our Constitution had more than two options. There were at least four kinds of government to chose from. And, how hard it would be to get a Stop sign depended on what they chose.

#1 Democracy comes to us from the early Greeks (doesn’t everything?). Following their model, if I were to want a Stop sign installed at the end of our street I would take my request to a meeting of all free, male citizens of the town. We’d all vote on it, and if a majority approved I’d get my Stop sign, paid for from the public treasury. Unless, of course, the thing dies in Committee.

However, all Democracies fail, usually because the majority want the money spent on something other than Stop signs. Alexander Tyler (1747-1813) put it this way:

A Democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a Democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a Dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years…”

Again following the Greek model, in time one-man rule arises to save the minority from the plague of democratic placement of Stop signs. Someone who “alone can fix it”. In Greece the man was Alexander the Great.

#2 Republic comes from the early Roman Republic (which also gave us The Gladiator). For some time ancient Rome was ruled by a Senate made up of ‘entitled’ long hair, rich white guys who made the rules as they went along, and used money to secure political power. Republics fail, failing mostly because nobody who wanted Stop signs got to vote for those Senators, or the thing dies in Committee. When Republics fail one-man rule arises to save the minority from the lack of Stop signs. Someone who “alone can fix it”. In Rome it was Julius Caesar, and a long list of dictators who followed until the whole Roman Republic idea collapsed.

#3 Democratic-Republic as I was taught to understand it in grade school (think early 1950s), this form of government was mostly what writers of America’s Constitution compromised on. The people could elect representatives who would decide where and when to spend money on Stop signs. Unless, of course, the thing dies in Committee. Whether this will work in long run is yet to be determined and seems to depend on how many Stop signs we really need and which Party is pro-Stop sign. Whether a Democratic-Republic can survive more than 236 years is un-tested. But, there are more than one potential leaders awaiting to be they who “alone can fix it”.

#4 Monarchy (aka Dictatorship) usually arise throughout history because a minority determine it will take someone who “alone can fix it”. Sometimes they are elected by a Democracy, sometimes appointed by a Republic, sometimes they just take power by force. In Italy it was Mussolini, in Germany it was Hitler, in Cuba it was Castro. When we get us a dictator who “alone can fix it”, if I pledge fidelity to him I might just get that Stop sign (dictators rarely wait on Committees).


History leaves hints to warn of coming events, and those today paying attention see hints of pending failure of this Democratic-Republic form of government. If the idea of a Democratic-Republic fails, and all history hints it will, would over time a one-man ruler arise to save the minority from the plague of Stop signs? Someone who “alone can fix it”? Would some future generation, ignorant of history, not recognize that history, as Mark Twain said, rhymes?

Of all the words to dread and to fear

most naive are these, “it can’t happen here”

This is not intended to be a well-documented, researched white-paper. Based entirely on memory of things taught me, this is merely one observer’s attempt to once again ‘write to find out what I think’ about Stop signs. If any reader be Liberal, Libertarian, or Lawyer, please feel free to present a better way to get me a Stop sign.

Just fighting for some future generation needing a Stop sign,


Saturday, September 9, 2023


September 10 2023


Grandkidlets Day!

And is so celebrated by David L Lewis

BREAKING NEWS: All 2023 calendars printed in America have an obvious misprint. They have “Grandparents” day on Sunday after Labor Day. Actually, everybody knows calendars should say “Grandkidlets Day!” I mean, after all, it’s easy to be the grandparent, the hard part is being a kid in America in 2023.

In the never ending endeavor to make it simple to properly observe Grandkidlets Day, be advised there are three prescribed protocols not shown on calendars:

#1 Grandkidlets are to provide Payback to Grandparents by behaving just like their parents did at that age! It is one of the funnest things in the world to hear our children complain about all the problems they face with our grandkidlets. This is definitely Payback Time for what we went through when we were the parental-units.

#2 Grandkidlets follow the “Sugar Rule”! It is probably a federal law, may even be in Bible, that grandparents are supposed to fill grandkidlets with sugar, get them really hyped-up, then send them back to their parents. This not only fulfills grandparent’s sacrosanct duty to spoil them, it makes grandkidlets want to come back; and it adds to Payback!

#3 Grandkidlets must Listen to granddaddy’s Inane Stories! The best years for grandkidlets are before they are five, when they still believe any silly thing granddaddy says. As they grow up they catch on to when granddaddy is teasing. Then they somehow learn that the only excuse for keeping a granddaddy at all is to have someone whose only job is to love them.

As I wrote on June 17, 2018: Not for one moment do I understand the world our grandkidlets live in. Which is part of why I worry every day about them. Though I worry, I never try to tell my babies how to live their lives, haven’t done all that well with my own. If they need someone to tell them this, God has issued each a mother (and grandmother) who will be happy to do so. The only jobs a granddaddy has are to love and worry about their grandkidlets. That’s a good thing, too

These are my impressions of each of our grandkids as of Grandkidlets Day 2023:

Anthony - #1 go-to man when granddaddy’s hip or heart fails him.

Joshua - Movie made about him, The Quiet Man, look it up.

Steven - Named after rock-n-roller Steven Tyler; that works.

Hailee – The good, stable, responsible kid I never was.

Britney – Gave worrying about her to Dustin, who seems to be doing good job.

Cameron - #2 go-to man when granddaddy’s hip or heart fails him.

Fox - As Mr. Spock would say, “fascinating”.

Piper – Pretty is not an accomplishment, it’s a responsibility.

Abigale - Most adaptable to the many changes that life serves-up.

Elijah - Is “brainiac” a real word?

Reagan – Awarded ‘2023 Most Unpredictable Grandkidlet’ by granddaddy!

Parker – Great potential for, well, Something; must take after his mother.

Preston – Sweet, loving little boy you get to have until they start Middle School.

If I got it wrong parents are free to laugh, and grandkidlets are invited to call and visit on Grandkidlets Day to discuss any mistakes.

in His love,


Saturday, September 2, 2023

And This Is Christmas..

on September 4th this Year

And is so celebrated by David L Lewis and 35 others

No trains involved, but by planes and automobiles (and one U-Haul) they began to arrive. If protocol holds, some 30 to 40 men, women, and children will transverse to grandma’s house over next 72 hours [sleds not required]. Our kids tell me we are going to celebrate family Christmas this year on Labor Day. As always, there is more to the story.

We moved to Indiana July 4 1996. At that time we had two sons here in Brazil, two sons still living in St Louis, and our daughter planning to attend Evansville University. We had two young grandchildren. As this daddy doesn’t travel well, the logical place to gather for Christmas was our 3-bedroom mobile home. As years passed a gathering of the clan at grandma’s house became our family tradition. As those years passed that clan grew, as clans do, exponentially.

Here are some observations on that growth as reflected in my writings at the time:

2009 we had moved to a 2-bedroom house.

Our children were no longer spread around the world, but complexity continued in scheduling a day when all five can come to Indiana. We had in our home five children, four of world’s best daughter-in-laws, one smarter-than-he-looks son-in-law, nine (as of then) grandchildren, my sister and her husband and two exchange students, one of my favorite nieces with her husband and two sons. A family gathering of some 29 crowded into our two-bedroom house. This is Christmas.

2010 was point at which everyone sledding to grandma’s house for Christmas was getting out of hand.

For Christmas Susan-the-lawyer was delegated “eldest-daughter-in-charge”. She arranged for hotel reservations for her family, three of our sons and their families, and for my sister and husband plus two exchange students. On Christmas Eve there were a total of two infants, seven children, 19 alleged adults, and two visiting dogs in our two-bedroom, one bath home. This is Christmas.

2011 was year we moved this herd of cats to Fellowship Hall at Christ Community Church.

There would be too many for our small home. Susan arranged family gathering. She invited everyone I care about, everyone whom I would want to see if this were going to be the last Christmas.

2014 turned out to be last time the magnificent seven all rode together.

This year our children and their families are now spread from Seattle to Baltimore; all with families of their own. Our two youngest now have small children of their own who must be introduced to the great mystery of Christmas.

2018 saw the head-count increasing and meaning of Christmas personified.

They came from one side of continent to the other. And there we were, from 4 months to 75 years, 44 soles who cared for each other. We talked, laughed, the kids under 10 ran around; all ate much of the too much food; there were games to play, and gifts to open; a church Fellowship Hall to clean. No beneath the surface family feuds; the only cries coming from the two resident babies. As is said, a (really) good time was had by all.

2022 we met at a BnB on Raccoon Lake.

Enough room for everyone, less travel back and forth to hotels for some. And, there were a lot of fun things to do when you’re having party near a lake, but not in December. A committee of which I was not a member determined this was the best place to celebrate Christmas, if you do it when weather is warmer. So, the 2023 Christmas gathering at grandma’s house will be at that BnB on the lake, in warm weather, on Labor Day.

I’ve always believed it best for our children to have Christmas at home with their own babies and grand-babies. This is why long ago we changed from coming on Christmas eve to whatever day we could conveniently get 35 or so people together at one time and in one place. But, Labor Day?

Merry Christmas to all! I think.



 Posted to Brazil Times Blog September 11 2017 We were there We were there when everyone from Maine to California said it was a beautiful ...