Sunday, January 26, 2020

Ltr to my Senators re: Impeach

Letter sent to Senators Young and Braun of Indiana

January 6 2020

Dear Senator,

Our son, a fourth grade teacher, tells us he hears three answers to every issue – your side, my side, and the truth.  My some seventy years observation of politicians has led to presumption that politicians are mostly like fourth graders:  Having chosen their side, they have no interest whatsoever in the other side -- or the truth.  If the reader finds this harsh, all which can be here suggested is that mine is the worldview reaped from the prevarications sown.

As of this date American will soon be asked to endure what will be called a “trial” before a “jury” of duly elected Senators.  No responsible person attempting to follow events of the past three years should assume anything like a fair, honest, truth-seeking event is forthcoming.  It the most basic of terms, America must surely recognize “The Fix Is In”.

As things now stand we cannot expect to get the whole story of the actions and events which have brought us to this moment in history.  As with many who have been or ought to have been Impeached, truth will probably remain unknown until after the passing from the scene of all involved, all who care, all who may benefit from the truth.

As to the immediate events we face, the truth will never be known by ours or any future generation unless:

·        The Supreme Court Chief Justice pro-actively presides over the procedures:  Commanding his court, overruling purely partisan procedures, and disqualifying jurors who have publicly pre-judged the outcome.

·        Relevant fact witnesses are compelled to testify under threat of enforcement by court controlled U.S. Marshall Service.

·        Leaders of the two Parties release the Jurors to vote their conscience and by secret ballot.

To get the truth, to even hope we had been told most of the truth, would require all three of the above conditions.  But, no responsible observer ought to hope this will happen, because we are at the mercy of politicians.  In this observation politicians willingly sacrifice “duty, honor, country” to the corruption of political power.  And we ought not to dare hope for fairness, honesty, truth-seeking, nor certainty.  If the reader finds all this to be harsh, all which can be here suggested is that mine is the worldview reaped from the prevarications sown.


David L Lewis

Following is my reply to letter received in response from office of Sen. Braun:

January 22, 2020

Dear Senator Braun,

Thank you for your apparently pro-forma letter of January 10, 2020 in response to my earlier correspondence.  As expected, your reply addresses none of the concerns of my letter.  It is probably safe to assume my concerns were unread.  Given you are trapped for a while doing constitutionally required work, there is no reason to believe you will read my reply.  In the tenuous hope some minion might be tasked to read this, I write now for the record.

Although it is irrelative, I would want it known that the first time I voted it was for Senator Barry Goldwater.  As I once told his son, am glad I did and have always been proud of my vote.  Since 1964 I have thought of myself as a Goldwater conservative, and was supportive of the local Republican Party when I had still been able.

Your letter clearly indicates obedience to the current trump party line.  But, we are well beyond whining about a government employee who did what was seen as their duty and passed on to the Inspector General volunteered information.  We are even passed whether Impeachment Articles will be adopted by the House of Representatives.  Such matters I leave the uninformed to argue.

Frankly, my original assumption had been there might be some kind of bi-partisan “censure” motion passed and that would be the end of it.  Unfortunately, trump continues to be his own and the Republican Party’s worst enemy.  Thus, as Dr. Fiona Hill testified, “And here we are”.

What I want now is honesty by both Parties.  I’ve gotten too old to believe it will happen.

What I want now is the full truth about the entire Ukraine conspiracy.  I’ve gotten too old to believe it will be had; certainly not from those subservient to trump, cowering before his tweets.

As I write this letter the second day of the Senate trial is set to begin.  It’s early in the game, but nothing I’ve seen done or said changes my assessment the “fix” is in.  I’ve gotten too old to believe you politicians will have the courage to make all of this a fair and open procedure.

If, as you say, you were elected to support trump, the State of Indiana has itself a devil’s bargain.


David L Lewis

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