Sunday, February 2, 2020

Known Wolves Like Trump all my life

I’ve Known Wolves Like This All My Life

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing,

but inwardly they are ravening wolves.  (Matthew 7.15, KJV)

The last time I saw Harry Bussman was in the 1970’s.  I thanked him for the many fond memories my sister and I had as kids riding the Mississippi on his yacht every summer.  I also thanked him for sending so many roses to our father’s funeral they covered the entire wall behind his coffin.

Mr. Bussman owned the largest trucking company in Missouri and the only Electric Fuse manufacturer.  Was never said what else he was into; really don’t want to know.  He told me (and he’d never lie to son of Phil Lewis) that he made $50,000 a day, every day, after taxes, whether or not he got out of bed (I might add, legally).  I have no idea how much money that would be in 2020.

During the 1950’s I met many “men of means” like Mr. Bussman with whom my father interacted.  He also dealt with the Teamster Union when Jimmie Hoffa really could shut down America; and lunched sometimes with men in oddly loose fitting suits identified to me only as ‘business associates’.  Every Christmas we kids were inundated with small gifts from these associates.  Every two years we got a new-to-us automobile courtesy of Mr. Bussman – the last of which I picked-out new off a showroom floor.

In the course of all this the owner of another trucking business told me confidentially some things he wanted me to know about my father.  To paraphrase words heard over 60 years ago:  “Anything given to Phil Lewis was not to buy him or influence business, because nothing could.   Your father is the only honest man in the trucking business in St. Louis.  He is the only man trusted by the freight owners, the drivers, the Union, and the mob.  If Phil Lewis tells you something, it’s true.”

Over time and various circumstances among the many things my father told me were truths about the Mr. Bussmans and the Union leaders and the ‘associates’ of the world.  It’s been a long time, but this is how I assimilated his warnings:

These men will dine you, and wile you, and pull you under the spell of their charisma.  Such people possess an innate ability to find both what they can get out of you -- and where lay your weaknesses to get it.  Never trust them completely; always get it in writing.  They will talk of loyalty, but demand fidelity.  You will hear the truth only where it serves them.  Assume any morality exhibited is based on self-preservation.  When they discern there is nothing more to gain from you, you will be discarded.

Over my now 76 years I have met and observed a lot of wolves my father warned me about, and have come to know what to expect when I see one.  That is why nothing surprised me when one of those wolves came down an escalator and immediately began to beguile and then discard all he touched.  I’ve known wolves like this all my life.

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