Monday, September 7, 2020

Why I Write What I Write About This Election


Why I Write What I Write About This Election

The question is not ‘Who do you favor?’ Nor is the question Who will win?’

The question of the hour is this, ‘Why are these our choices?’

David L. Lewis

Once again, for the record, as I have been saying for five years, Joe Biden would not be a my first choice for, well, anything. But, I seriously doubt Uncle Joe may be a danger to the Republic alluded to in pro-Trump campaign advertising. 

Trump, on the other hand is the clear and present danger seen by this  observer – who has nothing else worthwhile to do but observe stuff.

Everything I write about this election is motivated by frail hope of getting some one lone soul who supports Trump know the whole story – and not just the story they’ve been taught to believe. There is always more to the story, usually the more not seen on Fox or other “right-wing” news outlets...

  • There are abundant witnesses as far back as 1980’s that Trump has been seen in New York business as a grifter, a con man. Growing up with Fred, Sr., a grifter father whose business partner who was a known ‘made man’ in the American Mafia, can influence a kid to follow in his old-man’s modeling.

  • There is also overwhelming evidence Trump was a serial business failure. The only thing he has been good at is being ‘front man’ for the success of others.

  • There are multiple professional psychiatrists and psychologists who’ve made in-depth study of readily available information and determined Trump is a danger to himself and the Republic.

  • There is available information back to his childhood that Trump is privately known as an habitual, if not pathological, prevaricator. This knowledge so commonly accepted among those who knew him before White House that two investor “friends” profited from assuming Trump would lie about the Virus.

  • As it is with men of a certain generation and education, he knows how and when to be ‘correct’ in public settings. As his sister, Mary Trump, was recorded saying, “Donald always knows where the cameras are”. However, former associates, ex-employees, even friends describe him in private in terms as vulgar, overbearing, ignorant, egotistic, and generally ‘uncouth’.

  • The weight of all recorded history of man on earth leads to the inevitable prediction that re-election would give Trump the power needed to destroy our Republic and the Rule of Constitutional Law. And, history demands he will. “He who is ignorant of history is condemned forever to repeat it.’

I have been watching both the Trump myth and history of men unfold for a very long time, and this is my case against Trump and Trumpism. If you have more to the story to add, with credible contradicting facts, present your case.

The reader certainly retains First Amendment right to unilaterally defend against all comers the infallibility of their champion. The defense of “don’t believe” any fallibility in your champion, though, is no response. It’s been said “ignorance is bliss” – but it is still ignorance. And willful ignorance is still willful.

If you support Trump and don’t care whether the above is true or not, then vote for him with my blessing. But, forget not that none escape consequences of the eternal law ‘you will reap what you sow’.

This is why I write what I write about this election. Accept it, ignore it, reject it; but, any reading this far have been warned.

Ezekiel 33.1-7

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