Sunday, January 17, 2021




According to legally required disclosures Donald Trump has raised in excess of $200-million based solely on his claim the election of 2020 was “stolen”. He can use this money to his own benefit for any legal purpose, paying taxes only on money used for personal use (i.e.,income). In interest of full disclosure, some donors to this “Leadership PAC” have requested refunds and/or have filed lawsuits to get their money refunded.

FOX Business host Lou Dobbs said on January 11 2021 [transcribed, emphasis and punctuation mine]

We still not do have verifiable, tangible support for the ‘crimes’ everyone ‘knows’ were committed; that is, defrauding other citizens by those who voted with fraudulent votes. We ‘know’ that was the case in Nevada and in Pennsylvanian, and a number of other states. We 'know' that is the case, but we’ve had devil of a time finding any actual proof.”

So, where’s the actual proof of election fraud? Sources which could reasonably be looked to for proof, or at least verifiable and tangible evidence have included:

  • Fifty States counted, audited, and then certified their vote. No State has found ‘fraud’ other than a few individuals who voted twice for Trump.

  • Over 60 lawsuits have been filed in courts from local to the Supreme Court. All of these have been dismissed when plaintiffs [Trump] provided no evidence. In none of these cases was ‘fraud’ claimed (in some states doing so without evidence would be a crime and possibly get attorney making claim disbarred).

  • There is, to best of my understanding, no requirement evidence be presented in court. There are numerous Trump-media outlets who would be happy to present such evidence to their audience.

    • Not only have FOX and Newsmax presented no evidence, facing libel with malice lawsuits they had to retract much of what they had reported.

    • No scoop by has come from Murdoch family owned Wall Street Journal or their tabloid publication The NY Post.

  • No United States Senator or Representative has presented any evidence of voter ‘stealing’ in any committee, in the Electoral vote count contention, or in the Impeachment hearing.

  • Trump himself presented certain allegations which the Governor, Secretary of State, and Election Commissioner of Republican Party controlled State of Georgia have discredited – at risk of loss of their careers and death threats from Trumpist.

The plaintiff may now present their case, because there is always more to the story.

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