Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Most Dangerous Words

Are These the

Most Dangerous Words

Ever Spoken?

On April 2, 1919 then President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed America must enter World War I because, 

The world must be made safe for democracy.

Those words would change the world, because they changed America.

After 20-years of expenditure of men, materials, and very much money, President Joe Biden announced final withdrawal of all troops from Afghanistan by September 11, 2021. Thus ends one of a long line of American ‘interventions’. They say this ‘Afghan war’ thing began in 2001. It did not. It began in 1919.

One-hundred years and now seventeen Presidents later, Wilson’s mantra morphed into something like “Make every other country a democracy just like ours – whether they need it or not”. Not even God knows how many have died from wars entered in a quest to enforce this mantra on the world.

Whatever you or I may think of other forms of government around the world, is it really somehow our obligation to enforce ‘democracy’ on them because Wilson said it would make us “safe”? If it is our obligation, at what cost and enforced on whom?

In Afghanistan the British, then the Russians, then America tried to end the fighting and create ‘democracy’ in a Muslim land. Could democracy even be inflicted on a land where religion is everything, its priests supreme, with a 2,000 year history of killing each other? A lot of people tried, a lot of people died.

In this want-a-be historian’s observation, if the Army of the United States of America stood guard for another thousand years, when the last soldier left Afghanistan’s people would go back to killing each other for reasons long lost.

The world must be made safe for democracy.” Are these the most dangerous words ever spoken? Is there one testimony of history showing more wars or deaths or money will solve anything?

Just asking for some future generation

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