Saturday, July 29, 2023



from willing but weak servant David L Lewis

DATE: July 30 2023

TO:      Lord God Almighty Jehovah, Creator and Ruler of universes and all therein

RE:      Mary “Kay” Lewis (nee Allen)

            Born above date in Year of our Lord Nineteen-hundred-Forty-four


Given the woman thou gavest me insists on having yet another birthday, the time seemed opportune to memorialize our status in pursing this journey thou set us upon.

First and foremost, must once again profess great appreciation for thou creating her to accompany me on our journey. Thou are the light which guideth us through the wilderness, but she has made camp along the way. And, walking through the valleys thou has kept us from fearing evil, but she has been my rod and my staff.

Aware thou make men weak so they might learn to ask a woman for help, it must be pointed out herein that some limits on this might be appropriate. May I suggest thou consider either allowing me to be less weak, or her stronger? I try as best as possible to do for myself whatever I can do for myself, and never wish to add to her burdens. However, if daring to even hint of a need she immediately wants to provide for me.

Am sure thou had a plan and purpose in joining us together; as Adam noted in Genesis 2.24, Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” And Pastor Bill Little, who officiated at our wedding, said, the hard part is becoming one. It would have been helpful if thou point out to all newly weds that becoming one is always going to be a lot of hard work, unbridled patience, and I Corinthians 13 type love --- on both sides!

Then there is this matter of growing old together. Your Book indicates long life is one of your blessings for faithful service; and, if truth be told, our lives are very blessed. Thank you for that. Here’s my dilemma: When my Book of Life is opened it should document hardly a day has gone by in which I did not wonder how I’d live without her. But, It is statistically likely one of us will outlive the other. As you may have noticed, we’ve become quite dependent on each other at a time when flesh is getting weaker every birthday. Yes, growing old together is part of human existence which even thou cannot change as long as the human condition exist. If nothing else, Lord, is there some way to teach young lovers that aging isn’t that bad when shared with the woman thou givest?

Just memorializing for some future generation of lovers,


Oh, yeah, Happy Birthday Katie!

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