Saturday, October 7, 2023

29,213 Days of Our Lives

As told to, sorta recalled and/or lived through by David L Lewis

History is not about dates or even events. History is the story of people, situations they faced, decisions they made, and consequences of those decisions. In order to understand those people we have to learn dates and events.”  (American History professor at Lincoln Christian College, 1974)


It’s funny how the older you get the more you remember of really insignificant days, and how much you’ve forgotten about really important dates. Over the 29,213 days of this life some important things have happened which changed course of history, but never touched me. And, some things which seemed so important at the time which now cannot quite be recalled in detail. These are some of the days of my life which were sand through an hourglass.

They tell me...

  • October 14 1943 war raged across the earth, America alone mustered 6-million men to arms, with no home untouched, and patriotism carried the day.

  • August 6 1945 the Atomic Age began.

  • May 14 1948 Israel declared a free and independent nation.

Do sort of remember…

  • June 25 1950 the Korean Conflict began.

  • January 20 1956 first public use of video tape was shown on NBC.

  • October 29 1956 Israeli army pushed into Egypt toward Suez Canal.

Definitely sat in front of TV when…

  • February 20 1962 “God speed John Glen” was prayer of all America.

  • November 25 1963 the nation stopped to watch funeral of President Kennedy.

  • August 2 1964 President Johnson announced Gulf of Tonkin incident.

  • August 2 1990 President Bush announced invasion of Kuwait, and having no idea where Airman First-class Kenneth A Lewis was in all that.

  • September 11 2001 did I see the second tower fall, or was it the reruns?

  • January 6 2021 demonstration turned to riot turned to what Federal courts have ruled was attempted insurrection.

Then there are events clearly remembered, but not exactly when:

  • My brother trying to convince employer to install a radio-phone in his car so he could be contacted while driving across Illinois.

  • First rocket to launch something called communication satellite exploded on launching pad. Wondered how they’d ever recover the $500-million cost?

  • Being told by my father “there’s no future in computers”.


  1. What story of people of last 29,213 days, the situations faced, decisions made, have consequences on the days of our life yet to flow through the hourglass? And, no, Elijah, I do not have enough days to have known Socrates.

  2. What story of people of your days, the situations faced, decisions made, have consequences on the days of our life yet to flow through the hourglass? NOTE: If you want to know how many days have run through your hourglass try

  3. Did you keep record of your really important days, or are they specks of dust slipping through fingers?

As my father said, “Date everything. You think you will remember, but you won’t.” Sorry, don’t remember when he said it.



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