Saturday, January 20, 2024


The Prime-Time Drivel of Cable News by David L Lewis

Listen my children for you shall hear

political talk to dread and to fear

As the movies taught us when I was young

beware they who speak with Forked-Tongue

Election season now calls all to the fight

and we must discern our left from our right

Candidates telling tales of only their side

what makes them look bad they certainly hide

Each promising to do what we want them to

knowing they promise what no man can do

They’ll spout Party line if truth in the way

the American People want whatever they say

What-about-that-guy-ism forgives all sin

the Polls only true if say our side must win

They blame others for all they did wrong

and Alternate Truth is name of their song

Being wrong does not mean an evil intention

nor telling painful truth ever transgression

Perhaps in some day to come just for fun

we can find someone worth electing to run

There is Always more to the story . . . ALWAYS

доверяй, но проверяй

doveryai, no proveryai (Google it)



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 Posted to Brazil Times Blog September 11 2017 We were there We were there when everyone from Maine to California said it was a beautiful ...