Saturday, January 6, 2024

 How Big Is Your God?

Part II - More Unanswered Questions of David L Lewis

Many years ago a professor proposed something like the following:
     Whatsoever you divine truth, purpose, and balance in life;
     Whatsoever you define as peace and security amid turmoil and trouble;
     Whatsoever you devote thereto time, effort, and wealth to support;
     Whatsoever you defend without limit, recourse to evidence or testimony;
     Therein determines how big is your divinity.

How Big Is Your God When It’s Your Country That . . .

  • was conceived in the best of times, in the worst of times, in the times of learning history rhymes;

  • was born in insurrection and weaned on slavery;

  • was raised conquering those in the way, even though here first;

  • was brother against brother, leaving dead 600,000 mother’s sons;

  • was war to end all war, to make world safe for American democracy;

  • was Black Friday with ten years of Depression midst great wealth;

  • was 16-million under arms, every home touched, first Atomic Bomb;

  • was the greatest generation, if you were white and a man;

  • was Cold War, birth of an Atomic Age; the McCarthy Committee and lives it destroyed;

  • was 13 days of the greatest crisis in human history;

  • was Nixon resigning, with unintended consequences of pardon;

  • was being lied into undeclared conflict in various places;

  • was yo-yo economy, dark money, judges for sale;

  • was the famous, the fortunate, the failures in a White House;

  • was forgetting promise and hope of that statue in a New York harbor;

  • was opposition for sake of opposing, absolute political power for sake of power, my side or else, not a lie if the liar believed it;

  • was threat on Rule of Law, a promise of violence, the violence;

  • was he who alone could save, riot and death at the Bastille, indictment and arraignment;

  • was cutting lines which had moored Ship of State to faith of founders;

  • and has an unknown, factious future which little from past history has prepared?

Hey, it’s 2024, it’s an election year. How big is your God when it’s your Country that...

Just asking for some future unbelieving generation,


Then the fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the
soil, and also licked up the water in the trench. When all the people saw this, they fell
prostrate and cried, “The Lord—he is God! The Lord—he is God!” (I Kings 18.39, KJV)

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