Saturday, April 6, 2024

Blogging About Blogging

Only a blockhead would write for anything but money”
(quote attributed to 18th century writer Samuel Johnson).

In 2008 the Brazil Times solicited bloggers. I had no idea what a blog was. Kay convinced me to look into it (some nonsense about writing being my ‘art’). The “pay” was to be free subscription to paper, which I never got. Also signed some paper work as reflected in end note.

It’s not that I’ve had a lot of trouble finding something to say. The Times website posted about 350 of my blogs under header My View From the Back Pew; and 75 print articles in the paper under The Not a Computer Geek. For reasons some will understand, I stopped writing for the Times in 2015.

Since November 2018 I have written 165 blogs on the blog machine Matthew set up for me. My first blog on this site was copy of my first blog for Times. About a year ago I undertook to write 500 or more words each week for this blog thingee (yes, yes. I know, Jen was behind this, too).

One of my problems is that I’ve never had any one thing to blog about. I’m not an expert in much of anything, and never will be a particularly prolific writer because my eclectic mind is fascinated by a multitude of sins. Try to write assuming everyone on Facebook will read it, while knowing few will. Have left over from all this ‘tons’ of stuff which I started but didn’t finish – most now out of date or never worth starting.

About once a year I “decide” it is time to stop writing these inane blogs. This is one of those times.

     Pretty sure it is no secret my body hath betrayeth me. I’m having a lot more times when can’t think clear. My hospice nurse said it’s all right to get discouraged about all this; so I consider myself justified in so being.
     As old men with failing hearts often do, I look back on my life which hahas passed t oo quickly, and forward to the world I see coming for which I feel so unprepared. It becomes harder and harder to feel optimistic about the future of this life and more curious about the next. Do they even need blog writers in heaven?
     Mostly, though, have come to feel I really have nothing much more to say. Turns out every thought I have these days has already been written [even this diatribe was cannibalized from something I wrote in 2012].

Not sure what’s next in my blog ‘career’. Who knows, though, might yet think of something new I just have to write to find out what I think.

As lady on TV says, Watch This Space,


For any interested, my first blog on this here site is available at:

Please Note: This blog was first published on the Brazil Times website
This is part of complying of Blogs posted from May 17 2008 to May 10 2015 on the Brazil Times website under the by-line MY VIEW FROM THE BACK PEW.  Not all Blogs can or should be included -- that's well over 150,000 words which nobody much read the first time around.  And, some will be edited for timeliness, relevance, or just plain keeping short enough to be read. These Blogs can no longer be found on the Times site annind are reproduced here from original document files; my understanding is they remain “property” of the paperve, so acknowledgment is given.


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