Thursday, August 20, 2020



[OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER: This writer has ‘waxed-verbose’ in other places on the female type peoples. This is really about, as my children understand, my father – who used phrase ‘waxed-verbose’ often.]


His life was gentle, and the elements mixed so well in him that Nature might stand up and say to all the world, “This was a man.”

Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act 5, Scene 5

English is a strange language. If not a speaker’s first language, English can be hard to learn. Made difficult because in English many words are defined by their usage in a sentence. It is a living language with roots found in many tongues. Because it lives, words change over time: “The Gay Divorcee” is perceived differently when disclosed as title of a 1934 movie.

Following are some of the words which I find describes a good man in any context...


...Sophistication is how a life is lived, relationships maintained.

...Sophistication is honesty with compassion; it is cruelty to be honest without sophistication.

...Sophistication is so living one’s life as to be thought a gentleman or lady in all things by both friend and stranger.


According to Webster’s dictionary there are 16 definitions and seven derivatives of the word “class”. One that fits or fails to fit a man is:

...A person with ‘class’ is someone who takes themselves seriously.

...This person does not self deprecate for the sake of others.

...He is conscious of other people, and considerate towards them.


This is how the word was described to me:

...The person in line obviously doesn’t realize dropping a $10 bill. If it never even occurs to a man to not pick it up and return it, that is integrity.


Again a word which can have opposite reason, as in a lot of readers think this writer quite a “character”. However, in defining a man, this is proper usage:

...Demonstrates an unspoken integrity and moral standards so obvious his conduct of human affairs instills confidence in all who meet, know, or hate him.


This is the highest complement by which a man may be described; a word which includes the words here preceding. I must retreat again to things my father taught me, in words and actions, as to what the word means.

...A gentleman never knowingly causes harm to any one.

...A gentleman never strikes a woman or demeans her to others.

...A gentleman has no obligation to exercise every right he possesses.

May not know how to use them in a sentence, but I know it when I see it – and when I don’t. Watch for the man of whom it must be said….

Nature might stand up and say to

all the world,“this was a man”

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