Sunday, August 16, 2020

Other Woman - Diane




As of this date the writer has attained the age of seventy-six years, ten months, two days. A gentleman never asks nor tells a lady’s age; but this is twenty-two months, two days older than the other woman in my life.

The first woman in my life was, as it is with a boy child, my mother. The second would be the girl I once asked to skate in ‘gentleman’s choice’ and without whom I’d have no reason to write. Then, there is the other woman.

I have no living memory of a time when the other woman was not there, or of any time she was not the woman I could count on if in need (i.e. trouble). Written more than once about her, and could easily pull up something already said to describe her in honor of the day. [Usually I just call and sing “Happy Birthday”, but last time her dog threw a fit.] So, I’m going to try to remember stuff which would otherwise be lost in time.

Daddy would come home from work with the daily paper. Before he could get to the house he’d have to read her “Nancy & Sluggo” and “Grandma” from the comics; giving us both a big, sloppy kiss (yes, that’s where I got it).

One Thanksgiving, with all of extended family waiting, she ‘made’ me pull down the cabinet holding all the dishes. It’s a good thing for her the neighbors lent us dishes for about 20 people.

As soon as I got to be the big brother I had to go with her everywhere. We walked to school together, to the confectionery at end of block; and most significantly, when we walked home from the Pauline Movie Theater – a mile away, at night, just the two of us. Her highly evolved culinary skills found their zenith when she made me lunch with her top-secret just me & her bacon sandwiches – with sugar sandwich for desert!

One day she had to get her own room, taking over the back room and forcing me to exit through basement. Still don’t know why we had to be separated.

The sun rose, the sun set. No idea when it was, but just before one of those sunrises our world’s drifted apart. (I suspect it was right after she had to have a room of her own.) She had her friends, I had my interest. We no longer needed to walk together every where, every time. But she was always beside me when needed.

Over the years the other woman turned into “Aunt Diane”. Every family needs one of those. You know, the aunt who keeps everyone in line after the parental-units pass. Aunts who perpetuate propriety and piety.

The other woman was there for my family in the hours of greatest need, and we will never be able to repay what we owe.

Overall I got the better of the deal. I had her in my life, but she was stuck with me.

Happy Birthday little sister!

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