Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Covid Virus Statistics


Kept telling myself I was not going to dig any deeper into the Virus story. Too controversial, too many convinced of whatever their favorite TV show was saying about it, today. Having spent good part of my life dealing with numbers, though, became too ‘involved’ with the statistics they got wrong.

6 feet “social distance” sounded workable, but was never going to work. European early tests showed 9-meters in open air; and a residue left behind lasting hours is still being wiped from every surface we touch. Recent reports indicate increasing evidence Virus was, will be, or has become airborne.

14 days was the worse number heard because it left impression all this would blow over in a couple of weeks. A democracy will sacrifice two weeks. But, once the expectation was set in concrete, nothing afterward was thought “true”.

8 blood groups, but several studies show some are more susceptible than others. In the overwhelming mass of information pouring out, lost is the Biblical admonition “life is in the blood”.

70 years or older ‘are the only ones who need worry, the young can throw it off’. Age is one of many contributing factors to how anyone responses to any virus. However, overwhelming testimony demonstrates this Virus does not appear to be requesting proof of age before attacking an individual.

20,000 flu deaths is what we heard when there were only a ‘just a few’ deaths from the Virus. “This wasn’t even going to be a bad flu, maybe just like a cold. Can’t be as bad as ‘the media’ claimed, right?” Yet, this thing has to be thought of not as a flu, but as more like Polio: Highly contagious, affecting few while terrorizing all, some recover quickly, some die just as quickly, too many live with bodies damaged for life. Like Polio, it always seeks to destroy the lives which gives it life.

150,000 dead is “doing a good job”. ‘After all, there’s only .04% any one person will die from it.’

Statistics are people, very young to very old humans who died. Died leaving parents, children, loved ones, funeral bills, and unmarked graves. Statistics can prove anything I want them to prove, but they do not comfort the survivors. None of these numbers consider the nations around the world who have neither the capacity to deal with the Virus, nor mechanism to count the chance of dying. “… any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”

Turns out there is are reasons these diseases are called "Pandemic" – whatever we’re told about the numbers.

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