Saturday, July 15, 2023


I’m on Strike!

Teamster brother David L Lewis

Thinking of leaving my computer to either our daughter the lawyer or her son and our very most intelligent grandson Elijah. On my laptop they will find over 400 blogs and articles I’d written over now 15 years, plus almost as many drafts which went nowhere. Once told an editor I could cover his desk with ideas which weren’t worth writing, much less reading; so why not make reading everything I saved Elajah’s life’s work?

Encouraged by a certain favorite red-headed niece, as part of personal rehabilitation plan I determined to write 500 words every week and impose them on my long suffering family – whether anyone reads them or not. Hey, writing is the only thing I was ever any good at, and what else am I able to do?

However, according to the TV machine us writers are on strike! For more money no less. You can get paid for writing? Who knew? Anyhow, as a one time member of Teamsters Union (still have my card!) decided to join the real writers on Strike! This week.

Writers, like all people who still work for a living, need more money to keep up with rising prices. I’m down with that. And, when our strike is settled (and it will be), us writers will get more money! How this affects me somehow eludes me, but it’s the principle of the thing. Turns out wrting to find out what I think don’t pay.

Of course, if writers get more money, won’t the people who pay them to write have to raise the price they charge their customers? And, doesn’t that apply to all wage increases? And, won’t that mean costs will go up and sooner or later us writers will need more money? WAIT! Haven’t we seen thar movie before? Two-hundred years of inflation and nobody did re-write? As Gilda Radner used to say on SNL (a line a writer created for her), “Never mind.”

Even if nobody reads it, this much loved and esteemed writer will be back next week, strike settled or not. Nobody pays me for dumping this gibberish on you anyhow.

Just writing so some future generation will have something to laugh at,


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