Saturday, July 8, 2023


How to Usurp a Government

as understood by observer of history David L Lewis

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”

July 4 1776 was a moment in time and history which changed the world; a moment which may never exist again, which therefore must never be lost to time and history. Fifty-six men gathered, representing every governing authority in the land. They were destined to begin an overthrowing of that authoritarianism which arises every 200 years of so in all civilizations; arising when work such as done by fifty-six men is lost to time and history.

Who They Were

Above all they were principled men of duty, honor, country; well-educated for the times; of responsible situations; and, all had ‘skin in the game’. They were farmers, and slave owners; they were successful merchants and businessmen; they were doctors and clergy; they were lawyers and judges; and, yes, some were politicians. The natural leader, who made it possible, was the most personally disliked of all. One of the youngest would write words which stand today with honor beside the Magna Carta and Mayflower Compact.

What They Were

Dedicated to what they knew as Laws of “Nature and of Natures God” -- what in civil society is often called ‘the Rule of Law’. And, “when in the course of human events” the written application of Nature’s Law proves illegitimate, that application could and should first be peacefully re-considered. They accepted, also, the risk must be taken that physical combat could always be initiated by authoritarians.

Precisely because of that dedication, fifty-six men would do right as they understood God showed them the right. Do right at whatever the cost, whatever the politics, whatever supporters lost. They were men willing to forfeit all worldly possessions, accept torment, and die to insure righteousness. And, they were men who knew there must always be collateral damage with innocent family and friends harmed.

Why They Were There

As listed in their Declaration, the fifty-six represented legitimate, verified, life-affecting grievances which had been experienced in every region of the land. These grievances were not just what they’d heard from some bias or pandering media, but verified as truth by corroborating evidence and personal witness.

How They Won

They won because they went public in standing up to authoritarianism, proud of what had been and would be accomplished. The Liberty Bell rang out across the city, and it’s message rang throughout the nation. They did not run from their decisions, did not hide from the enemy, did not conspire to avoid inevitable consequences.

They won because they had a ‘regulated’ Army which supported the cause for which they were called upon to defend or die trying. No insurrection in history has succeeded without support of the legitimate Army.

They won because that Army was led by a leader of intelligence and integrity, of intestinal fortitude, of understanding the ‘big picture’, and of dedication to what the fifty-six called “the united States of America”. A leader willing to stand and suffer with his men in the field of battle win or lose. A leader who gave credit for victory to those who fight in the arena, taking personal blame for their failure.

They won because they had the right on their side, which authoritarianism never does.

Mostly, though, they won because they who launch an insurrection must win. Having chosen the path of bringing a better government, losing was not -- could not be -- an option. In the words of the oldest of the fifty-six: “We must all hang together, or most assuredly we will all hang separately”.

Where They Led Us

They led us into a free and open society based on laws confirmed by elected representatives meeting publicly.

They led us to a nation, never completely united, in which individuals can be wrong, hold unfounded opinions, and openly present grievances.

They led us to nation in which wrong can be corrected, opinions challenged with objectivity, injustices rectified.

They led us into a society which will, when so called upon so to do, engage true evil in combat – when evil fires the first shot; The strong move quiet, the weak start riots(Memphis Bleek).

They led us to a nation in which, how ever long it takes, the truth will arise; and in which the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”

They led us to a new way to government, a subject for another day.

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