Thursday, June 18, 2020

Search for trump truth

In search of Trump truth in the room where it happened?

Trump’s former National Security Advisor John Bolton, a long time Republican Party strategist and FOX contributor, has written a book about his days in the White House. Whatever I think of his beliefs, Bolton has a reputation for honestly speaking his mind. And, as a Harvard educated lawyer, he certainly knows he cannot publish anything which can be fact-checked away or violates “national security’. For a variety of reasons I will not attempt to read the book. Pre-publication publicity excerpts, however, would be hard to miss.

It might be easier to write this book off as “fiction” if what we hear was the only, or even first, exposure to the world of he of self-proclaimed “great and unmatched wisdom”. It is neither the first, nor by any stretch of the imagination the only such narrative. At some point the sum total of witness cannot be denied simply because it goes against what we want to believe, nor accepted because it does.

And so I add John Bolton to my list begun some years ago of credible accounts of what kind of character this Trump is.

When he came down the escalator, trophy wife in tow, based on his past exposures I had already made up my mind I’d met men like this all my life. To confirm what I wanted to believe, I suppose, began collecting notes of things said by others with much closer connection than I who ‘had no dog in the fight’.

More or less in the order I collected them, this is my list to date:

British Broadcasting Corp. 2015 documentary on business failures, unethical practices, and mob infiltration of the Trump business.

Public Broadcasting Service’s “Frontline” biographies of candidates aired during 2016 primary season.

Canada’s Toronto Star politically neutral newspaper which quit counting his false statements after some 2,000+ because it required too many man-hours.

Two Pulitzer Prize winning authors who covered and wrote about New York business scene since 1980s – both of whom Trump had to settle with and pay costs for law suits he had initiated. One of these men, David Cay Johnson, has publicly challenged Trump to him for accusing Trump of profiting from his mob connections by allowing his airplane to transport illegal drugs.

Interviews with three actual New York city Real Estate developers; one of whom I heard say “everybody in the New York real estate business knew he was a liar. He would look at his watch and lie about the time of day just to keep in practice”.

Legally recorded public documentation showing Deutsche Bank loans ‘co-signed’ by Russian oligarch with suspected ties to Russian mafia.

Ghost writer of “Art of the Deal” Tony Schwartz.

At least seven current books by eyewitness to White House conduct; including Bob Woodward, award winning co-author of articles which led to President Nixon’s resignation.

Confirmed reports of criticisms by multiple insiders, with firings of or threats to fire anyone revealed as criticizing.

Two investors making millions by assuming we were being lied to about Covid-19.

Over 100 respected psychiatrists who, out of sense of a “Duty to Warn”, risked reputation and license to publish and speak out about Trump as “clear and present danger”.

Harvard Psychology Professor stated one particular tweet made by any other person was legal grounds for 72-hour ‘involuntary hold’ for neurological and psychological examination.

Official authorized Biographer working on retainer.

The Room Where it Happened” by John Bolton.

Also, published and broadcast firsthand witness descriptions including:
        habitual” or “pathological” liar
        threat to the Constitution”

Notes to those reading this far (if any!)

These are experiences of multiple independent witnesses over a period of years. Any one could be wrong, they cannot all be false. Similar accumulations of testimony has been enough to convict more than one offender. Not liking, or not agreeing, is not an argument; nor is attacking an unrelated third party.

In “Julius Caesar” Shakesphere has Marc Anthony say: “The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones” Question: what good has Trump done which will be remembered favorably by history? If you know of one I’ll start a new list. While waiting for that I will be checking out what Bolton has to say about the evil men do.

For more on my original observation see February 2nd blog “I’ve known wolves like this all my life”.

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