Tuesday, June 27, 2023


The Supreme Court has rejected the

independent state legislature theory

(source: npr.com)

June 27 2023

The Supreme Court on Tuesday rebuffed a legal theory that argued state legislatures have the authority to set election rules with little oversight from state courts, a major decision that turns away a conservative push to empower state legislatures.”

This is the most important political decision by the U S Supreme Court in my lifetime. Vital because it sets a course for the future existence of the Democratic-Republic form of government.

And, I was wrong about how it would be decided. I really thought the ‘the fix was in’ and Trump-McConnell Court would vote “Originalist” for the ‘independent state legislature theory’.

Basically what conservatives were hoping might be accomplished was to make it possible for one Party to change the vote of the people in elections. If the Court had so ruled, the Party which controlled a Legislature could disregard or declare “stolen’ any results that went against controlling Party. They could then appoint their own slate of Electors for President. On theory that power begets power, history shows such control to be a path to one-Party authoritarian government.

As good old Ben Franklin said: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

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