Saturday, July 29, 2023



from willing but weak servant David L Lewis

DATE: July 30 2023

TO:      Lord God Almighty Jehovah, Creator and Ruler of universes and all therein

RE:      Mary “Kay” Lewis (nee Allen)

            Born above date in Year of our Lord Nineteen-hundred-Forty-four


Given the woman thou gavest me insists on having yet another birthday, the time seemed opportune to memorialize our status in pursing this journey thou set us upon.

First and foremost, must once again profess great appreciation for thou creating her to accompany me on our journey. Thou are the light which guideth us through the wilderness, but she has made camp along the way. And, walking through the valleys thou has kept us from fearing evil, but she has been my rod and my staff.

Aware thou make men weak so they might learn to ask a woman for help, it must be pointed out herein that some limits on this might be appropriate. May I suggest thou consider either allowing me to be less weak, or her stronger? I try as best as possible to do for myself whatever I can do for myself, and never wish to add to her burdens. However, if daring to even hint of a need she immediately wants to provide for me.

Am sure thou had a plan and purpose in joining us together; as Adam noted in Genesis 2.24, Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” And Pastor Bill Little, who officiated at our wedding, said, the hard part is becoming one. It would have been helpful if thou point out to all newly weds that becoming one is always going to be a lot of hard work, unbridled patience, and I Corinthians 13 type love --- on both sides!

Then there is this matter of growing old together. Your Book indicates long life is one of your blessings for faithful service; and, if truth be told, our lives are very blessed. Thank you for that. Here’s my dilemma: When my Book of Life is opened it should document hardly a day has gone by in which I did not wonder how I’d live without her. But, It is statistically likely one of us will outlive the other. As you may have noticed, we’ve become quite dependent on each other at a time when flesh is getting weaker every birthday. Yes, growing old together is part of human existence which even thou cannot change as long as the human condition exist. If nothing else, Lord, is there some way to teach young lovers that aging isn’t that bad when shared with the woman thou givest?

Just memorializing for some future generation of lovers,


Oh, yeah, Happy Birthday Katie!

Saturday, July 22, 2023


How Big Is Your God?

Some unanswered questions of David L Lewis

Part I

At noon Elijah began to taunt them. “Shout louder!” he said. “Surely he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened.”  I Kings 18.27, KJV

Many years ago a professor proposed something like the following:
Whatsoever you divine truth, purpose, and balance in life;
Whatsoever you define as peace and security amid turmoil and trouble;
Whatsoever you devote thereto time, effort, and wealth to support;
Whatsoever you defend without limit, recourse to evidence or testimony;
Therein determines how big is your divinity.

How Big Is Your God if it’s His Universe?

One of my best scenes in any movie is the last 20 seconds of “Men in Black”. The heroes go through a lot of stuff to save the “universe”. The universe turns out to be nothing more than a glass marble in the hands of some gigantic being who is playing with several such “universes”.

Some years ago I led a study on the majesty of Jehovah. I opened the class with the following: “Everything you know, everyone you’ve met, everything that has ever happened in your life, the world and all that is therein, God created ten minutes ago.” Don’t believe that? Neither did they, nor do I. Perhaps such a concept is inconceivable. But, try to conceive of God (whatever be His name) bigger than just one universe and unlimited by mere time. So, how big is your God if it’s His universe?

How Big Is Your God If That Child is Really His Child?

We drove 500 miles to enter him in college. As I left him standing there I knew the way through the wilderness he’d entered, but I could not go with him nor make him know what was ahead. This is the way must be with parents entrusted with a child for a season: We watch them grow, we treat their often self-inflicted wounds, we try to teach what they must learn for their selves, sometimes we cry as they are laid in a grave which was supposed to be our own. As my mother put it, the hardest thing a parent is called upon to do is to let go of their child and give them back to God. So, how big is your God if that child is Really His?

How big is your God? Just asking for some future generation,


Then the fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the soil, and also licked up the water in the trench. When all the people saw this, they fell prostrate and cried, “The Lord—he is God! The Lord—he is God!” (I Kings 18.39, KJV)

Saturday, July 15, 2023


I’m on Strike!

Teamster brother David L Lewis

Thinking of leaving my computer to either our daughter the lawyer or her son and our very most intelligent grandson Elijah. On my laptop they will find over 400 blogs and articles I’d written over now 15 years, plus almost as many drafts which went nowhere. Once told an editor I could cover his desk with ideas which weren’t worth writing, much less reading; so why not make reading everything I saved Elajah’s life’s work?

Encouraged by a certain favorite red-headed niece, as part of personal rehabilitation plan I determined to write 500 words every week and impose them on my long suffering family – whether anyone reads them or not. Hey, writing is the only thing I was ever any good at, and what else am I able to do?

However, according to the TV machine us writers are on strike! For more money no less. You can get paid for writing? Who knew? Anyhow, as a one time member of Teamsters Union (still have my card!) decided to join the real writers on Strike! This week.

Writers, like all people who still work for a living, need more money to keep up with rising prices. I’m down with that. And, when our strike is settled (and it will be), us writers will get more money! How this affects me somehow eludes me, but it’s the principle of the thing. Turns out wrting to find out what I think don’t pay.

Of course, if writers get more money, won’t the people who pay them to write have to raise the price they charge their customers? And, doesn’t that apply to all wage increases? And, won’t that mean costs will go up and sooner or later us writers will need more money? WAIT! Haven’t we seen thar movie before? Two-hundred years of inflation and nobody did re-write? As Gilda Radner used to say on SNL (a line a writer created for her), “Never mind.”

Even if nobody reads it, this much loved and esteemed writer will be back next week, strike settled or not. Nobody pays me for dumping this gibberish on you anyhow.

Just writing so some future generation will have something to laugh at,


Saturday, July 8, 2023


How to Usurp a Government

as understood by observer of history David L Lewis

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”

July 4 1776 was a moment in time and history which changed the world; a moment which may never exist again, which therefore must never be lost to time and history. Fifty-six men gathered, representing every governing authority in the land. They were destined to begin an overthrowing of that authoritarianism which arises every 200 years of so in all civilizations; arising when work such as done by fifty-six men is lost to time and history.

Who They Were

Above all they were principled men of duty, honor, country; well-educated for the times; of responsible situations; and, all had ‘skin in the game’. They were farmers, and slave owners; they were successful merchants and businessmen; they were doctors and clergy; they were lawyers and judges; and, yes, some were politicians. The natural leader, who made it possible, was the most personally disliked of all. One of the youngest would write words which stand today with honor beside the Magna Carta and Mayflower Compact.

What They Were

Dedicated to what they knew as Laws of “Nature and of Natures God” -- what in civil society is often called ‘the Rule of Law’. And, “when in the course of human events” the written application of Nature’s Law proves illegitimate, that application could and should first be peacefully re-considered. They accepted, also, the risk must be taken that physical combat could always be initiated by authoritarians.

Precisely because of that dedication, fifty-six men would do right as they understood God showed them the right. Do right at whatever the cost, whatever the politics, whatever supporters lost. They were men willing to forfeit all worldly possessions, accept torment, and die to insure righteousness. And, they were men who knew there must always be collateral damage with innocent family and friends harmed.

Why They Were There

As listed in their Declaration, the fifty-six represented legitimate, verified, life-affecting grievances which had been experienced in every region of the land. These grievances were not just what they’d heard from some bias or pandering media, but verified as truth by corroborating evidence and personal witness.

How They Won

They won because they went public in standing up to authoritarianism, proud of what had been and would be accomplished. The Liberty Bell rang out across the city, and it’s message rang throughout the nation. They did not run from their decisions, did not hide from the enemy, did not conspire to avoid inevitable consequences.

They won because they had a ‘regulated’ Army which supported the cause for which they were called upon to defend or die trying. No insurrection in history has succeeded without support of the legitimate Army.

They won because that Army was led by a leader of intelligence and integrity, of intestinal fortitude, of understanding the ‘big picture’, and of dedication to what the fifty-six called “the united States of America”. A leader willing to stand and suffer with his men in the field of battle win or lose. A leader who gave credit for victory to those who fight in the arena, taking personal blame for their failure.

They won because they had the right on their side, which authoritarianism never does.

Mostly, though, they won because they who launch an insurrection must win. Having chosen the path of bringing a better government, losing was not -- could not be -- an option. In the words of the oldest of the fifty-six: “We must all hang together, or most assuredly we will all hang separately”.

Where They Led Us

They led us into a free and open society based on laws confirmed by elected representatives meeting publicly.

They led us to a nation, never completely united, in which individuals can be wrong, hold unfounded opinions, and openly present grievances.

They led us to nation in which wrong can be corrected, opinions challenged with objectivity, injustices rectified.

They led us into a society which will, when so called upon so to do, engage true evil in combat – when evil fires the first shot; The strong move quiet, the weak start riots(Memphis Bleek).

They led us to a nation in which, how ever long it takes, the truth will arise; and in which the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”

They led us to a new way to government, a subject for another day.

 Posted to Brazil Times Blog September 11 2017 We were there We were there when everyone from Maine to California said it was a beautiful ...