Saturday, March 2, 2024



by David L Lewis -- the husband who found out hard way that doesn’t work!

Are you aware that everything you eat is in your mind? It’s true. There are people who eat stuff us sane folk would never consider. Eating it just because their mother cooked it when they were kids, or just because they were talked into it. In Survivor Training they teach how to overcome what’s in the mind and eat whatever, really, whatever. There are even people who kill things like cows and pigs and chickens, cut them up into pieces, cook them over an open fire, pour copious amounts of red stuff on them, and then they eat the pieces! Hear tell people even eat really yukky things like (forgive crude language) spinach!

Heard there are folks who just LIKE to eat, no mind what. I am definitively NOT one of those types! If I could, would never eat another thing the rest of my life. However, there are things which I do LIKE to eat (White Castles come to mind).

So, I am told that long, long ago, far, far away, in a world that never was and never will be again, there was, so I am told, this thing called “women’s work”. I am pretty sure that included things like figuring out what was for supper and cooking it. But, my meanie woman of fifty-eight years wants to know what my mind would like to eat! Don’t she know that comes under “woman’s work”? Don’t she know I’m too dump to figure it out, or cook anything beyond cheese sandwiches by myself? Don’t she know that’s why God created her specially for me?

And, just because she cares and wants me to be healthy, my woman tries to have things I like to eat (except White Castles). There’s always a list – verbal or written – from which to choose from things I like to eat. This, of course, means I have to decide for myself what’s for supper. Then she even fixes for me -- and serves it, too. See, told you she is a meanie.

Reminds me a bit of being in hospitals. Except hospitals put me on Cardiac diet, which means any eatable food ain’t on the menu. At least my meanie woman don’t do that to me. She don’t have me on any Cardiac diet. Overall I’d rather just stay home and (politely) tell her what’s on my mind to eat.

If my woman reads this I may have to fix my own supper. Does White Castle deliver?


(who knows, might work this time)


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