Sunday, June 28, 2020

Stories of Ruth

Stories of Ruth

Ruth Lillian Burnett Lewis

September 15 1915 - December 27 2005

These are some of the stories my mother told over the years regarding my father. Talking with my children they came flowing into my mind the more we talked. My brother, being older, may have heard them, and my sister may remember some. But, if I didn’t write them down I might be the last one to know about the stories she told me.

In chronological order, these are some of the stories of Ruth Lillian Burnett Lewis:

Ruth is a Bible name, as we were told more than once. It was about an independent woman who overcame the restrictions of her society and became someone whose story would be told for generations. My mother was proud of her name, and she was well named.

She met my father one summer day in 1929. She was 15, he a mere kid of 14. He always teased he’d been seduced by an older woman. He had climbed into a tree and whistled at her as she walked by. He recited a Sonnet from Shakespeare, one of many he knew at 14, and she was ‘hooked’. They were together until the day he died.

In high school my father was a very good baseball player, a shortstop. So good the St Louis Cardinals were scouting him [scouting in 1920’s was different]. As my mother told the story it came down to him or a kid named Marty Marion. One day, sitting in a shed reading, “A Tale of Two Cities”of all things, the shed caught fire and my father was badly burned. They had to do skin grafts, still a new procedure, and it took a couple of years to recover. The Cardinals signed Marion, who went on to be known as the best Cardinals defensive shortstop before Ozzie Smith. But, my mother said, “Phil was a better hitter”.

As the Depression wore on their “dates” consisted of getting one White Castle hamburger and a coke for a nickle each and sharing them. If either of them had a dime.

I know for some period of time they lived in Richmond, VA, and that my brother was born in Washington DC in 1938. Daddy worked at a federal prison. He wasn’t a guard, but had to go out a few times to help find an escaped prisoner. This was not one of mother’s fonder memories.

When World War II came my father was at first deferred because he was married with children. As the war went on they agreed on what to do if a draft letter came. Although not qualified for conscientious objector status, he did not want to have to kill. When the dreaded letter arrived in the mail she called him and work and simply said, “you got some mail today.” He left work and enrolled in the Merchant Marine so that he could honestly say he’d joined before he got the notice.

Then there is the missed ship story. Daddy was sent to Boston to train as a Warrant Officer. His orders were to travel to San Francisco and take a certain ship. In those days all troop travel was by train, and he was to change trains in Chicago. He managed to trade tickets with someone so he’d go through St. Louis. And, this, as the story was told to me, is why I have a baby sister. He missed his assigned ship and took another. Long after the war mother somehow found out the assigned ship had gone down with loss of all hands. I ended up with the best father and best sister I could ever have hoped for.

It’s hard to imagine now, but all letters from war zones were censored. No information as to destination or location could be included. My parents had a system involving each having the same world map. In his letters he would mention a color corresponding with the color of a country on their maps. The censors never knew he was colorblind and had to ask someone what color to put in the letter.

There was an incident during the war which I heard her tell only told once. While in New Guinea he was assigned to lead a group of natives. For reasons I do not know, he fired a warning shot which wounded a pregnant woman. He would never touch a gun again nor allow one in the house.

There are two more stories involving my mother and me I did experience firsthand which ought be told.

On September 17 1966 we were living in Springfield, IL. On a whim I decided to drive to St. Louis and see my parents, something we’d never done before. When we got to their apartment no one was home, so we went to home of Kay’s parents. Soon after we arrived there was a phone call for me. It was my mother. She said six words, “David, come home, I need you.” I said I’d be right there and hung up. Rushing Kay to the car she asked, “what’s wrong?” I’ll never know where it came from, but I replied, “My father died.” Ringing phones have bothered me ever since.

One last time my mother would tell me something to remember. She said, “if we never meet again in this life, I’ll be waiting for you in heaven.” I never saw her again. Somebody else will have to finish this story.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Voter Fraud 2020

Voter Fraud 2020?

The closest and most controversial Presidential election of my lifetime was Kennedy vs. Nixon in 1960. Kennedy won by the Electoral votes of Illinois, specifically by the Cook County vote (Chicago). This would be where Joe Kennedy Sr., a man with ‘alleged’ connections to the Chicago mob, had put a lot of his own money into the campaign of his son John. In the aftermath inquiry it was learned Kennedy had won Cook by votes brought in a day late, found in a closet, by a maid, who’d overlooked them, who was so embarrassed at her error she had killed herself. Unfortunately, as I recall the narrative, those ballots had accidentally been burned after being counted. Yep, going by memory, but it did happen.

In 1964, because my 21st birthday was in October, I was able to early register for the Presidential election. I voted for conservative Senator Barry Goldwater, who lost to LBJ in what must be forever known as an incontrovertible ‘landslide’.

Before we moved to Indiana I tried to make a few bucks as an Election Judge, what with Republican judges being hard to come by. Yes, this would be way back when I could actually do things which went from 6:00 AM to after 10:00 PM. It was, at very best, a once-in-a-lifetime thing to do.

Overall the system worked well. Each voter’s signature was compared to the record by both judges, a ballot given to them by a third person, and they were pointed to the first open booth. If the voter requested assistance representatives from both parties had to be involved. The Democrat judge with whom I worked was a very old woman of at least 75 years. She had been through all this many times before, and didn’t think much of these new computer changes that didn’t require a handwritten “X”.

Ballots were dropped by voter into a locked box. About noon the police officer on duty (who had the only key) would empty the box into a locked bag which was then taken by two other cops downtown to voting headquarters. When voting closed at 7:00 PM we two judges went together to take the locked box downtown.

The years have come and gone, and I don’t suppose I’ve given much thought to voting lately. Voted once by mail due to health consideration. Last time I tried to vote I was unable (an entirely different story). Here’s what I think I know about all the voter fraud propaganda being put out there by my good friends in the Republican Party…
...Voter I.D. probably helps in the world of computers my long-ago co-judge feared
...Mail-in ballots are not the problem. They have been used for years in five states
...Individual’s committing voter fraud is rare at best, an urban-legend at worst

One of the things that old lady taught me is that if there was going to be fraud it would not be by the voters. The fraud she feared came after the ballots were cast.

There is fraud to expose if Party in control…
...purges the voting roles in specific zip codes without due notifications
...there is systematic illumination and/or late moving of voting places
...can’t seem to find enough qualified judges of the opposing party
...are able to find volunteer, well-armed polling place “monitors”
...judges are unprepared, voting machines and supplies lacking
...does not count ‘provisional’ ballots if ‘rules are not followed’
...oh, BTW, watch out for votes found in a closet a day late

There will be fraud and controversy in the 2020 election beyond anything we could have imagined in 1960. But, the fraud may be before the voting and after election judges go home for a good night’s sleep.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Rainy Day Candidate


Since before 1970 the political strategist rule-of-thumb has been that in any election more people will vote Democrat than will vote Republican. As was reportedly said, “Republicans will lose if too many people vote.” This is just a generally accepted working theory, and is not of my creation.

As the theory goes, Republican voters are, statistically speaking, more likely to go out and vote. Reasons for this may be varied, and include things like age, education, and financial stability. The main reason is said to be these voters are motivated primarily by personal political philosophy.

Republicans are seen as “rainy day” voters who will show up even if it “rains bullets”. Rain being a metaphor for events such as negative media coverage, demonstrators blocking the path, their candidate falling in recent polls, unpredictable external events, and/or actual rain.

Democrats, as the theory goes, are less likely to vote if it ‘rains’. Not being as philosophically committed, they’re more likely to require candidate motivation – for or against. The best recent example of a not-rainy-day candidate is probably former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. In a campaign where neither candidate polled ‘likable” Mrs. Clinton had a loyal following, but generated little “vote even if it is raining bullets’ enthusiasm.

As with most theories, though, it really comes down to the application. Who can motivate people to vote? Who is the one for whom voters will show up if it is raining bullets?

The most recent positive example of “rainy day not Republican” candidate being President Obama. He motivated his voters to point he’d have won regardless of opponent, and whatever the political weather.

In this observation, President Obama’s victory has been a motivating factor behind subsequent uptick in Republican ‘if it rains they’ll stay home’ voter suppression activities. Activities which some fear may even lead us to a shut down of the United States Post Office to avoid mass mail-in voting.

With all things considered, the pending choice being between...
an at best low-key Joe Biden whom everyone sees as an old uncle in family; and,
an incumbent who is considered, according to polling, ineffective in wake of pandemic and recession –

Who will be the 2020 ‘rainy day’ candidate for POTUS?

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Citizen David Test


Reprinted fromThe Brazil Times blog of March 30 2009

The March 2 2009 edition of The Brazil Times announced proudly that the owner of Mario’s Restaurant, Mauro “Mario” Martinez, had become a naturalized citizen of the United States of America. Good for him! According to the article it took about five years of effort and study to achieve citizenship. For me it was easy, having been born in Missouri shortly after the Louisiana Purchase. Of course the case has been made that being born in Missouri and not Indiana made it harder to become a citizen.

A big part of becoming a naturalized citizen is taking a 100 question test on the Constitution and American history. I ought to be able to do that. According to our children, I’ve lived through about 80% of America’s history. Surely I could pass a Citizenship Test.

The History Channel has one of those instant results test at which uses the sample questions given to real applicants. There are a total of 96 questions in three sections: American Government, History, and Civics. Apparently the passing score is 80%. I took the test to see if I would have been able to become a citizen if I’d been born a year or so sooner – before the Louisiana Purchase. Wouldn’t you know it, I missed two questions:

In what year was the Constitution written?” I guessed wrong.
Which is Not a United States Territory: Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, North Mariana Islands, or Cayman Islands?” Why would that be on a Citizenship test?

If I hadn’t wanted to go to all the trouble of taking a full sample test (or risk the embarrassment of missing so many questions), there is a much easier example at

Under the law of the land in which we live anyone born in an American State or Territory is an American citizen. Indiana became a designated Territory of the United States about 1800, so if you were born after that you’ll not have to bother knowing as much as Mario to be a United States citizen. Some say -- given our lack of emphasis on Civics in today’s educational system -- most people don’t know enough about their country to become citizens, anyhow. Is this a great country, or what?

To the above blog I add for your consideration:

How many stripes are on the Flag, and why?
How many stars are on the Flag, and why?
How many Supreme Court Judges are there right now?
What do we call the first 10 amendments to the Constitution?
How many Representatives are there in Congress? [Bonus question: Name yours!]
Which were the 13 original States? [Okay, I missed that one myself]
Why is Indiana called “Indiana”? [No, that’s not one of the questions, but do you know?]

One last question:  Two weeks ago had you heard of Juneteenth?

Friday, June 19, 2020

What is Historical Event


Historic means 'famous or important in history', as in a historic occasion, whereas historical means 'concerning history or historical events', as in historical evidence; thus a historic event is one that was very important, whereas a historical event is something that happened in the past.”

Significant events include those that resulted in great change over long periods of time for large numbers of people. ... A historical person or event can acquire significance if we, the historians, can link it to larger trends and stories that reveal something important for us today.”

At about age 10 or so our parents took we three kids to the capital building in Jefferson City, Missouri. The main reason I remember it now is that this was probably my first introduction to American history. If memory serves, there were large tapestries portraying events in Missouri history which were explained to us in light of how the world was then seen.

Over the following years interest in history was certainly fueled by my father. And, I had the remarkable good fortune in high school of having a succession of “born” history teachers.

The result of all this I have a pretty good knowledge of American history. I knew about the despicable treatment of “Negros” since slavery. I’d even heard about the white-led riot which destroyed “Black Wall Street”. I knew it happened in the 1920’s; but not the exact date. I was surprised to learn it was in Tulsa, Oklahoma of all places.

To give due credit, Trump was right in saying he made “Junetheenth” famous. It was simply not a significant historical event which would have been more than footnote in some forgotten history book. The day would have passed largely un-noted (outside of Texas) if someone on Trump’s staff hadn’t bungled his rally preparation. Trump’s error was in not simply admitting he’d been unaware of the date or any offense it would cause, and the mistake would be corrected (also known as taking responsibility).

The bottom line for me has always been something heard long ago: “You can’t know everything about everything.” I choose to know a little, but not everything, about history – which is still the best interpreter of today and predictor of tomorrow.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Trump Truth - Sources


Two caveats concerning sources:

This “list” actually began in my mind starting almost five years ago and I didn’t start writing them down until last year, so I’ve had to go by memory for most. Originally there was no intent to do anything other than keep this straight in my head, and was not intended for a “dissertation”. Almost everything comes from YouTube videos of principles and I only started saving those recently.

Also, I made every effort to not include in this blog anything from either CNN or MSNBC; in part for credibility with MAGA folk, and in part because it would probably have added too much to my list.

To best of my knowledge these are “sources”.

1 BBC YouTube video (found by accident but probably got me started on this odyssey).
2 PBS Frontline program series watched at time.
3 Interview with Toronto Star reported who’d begun the list, l lost his name.
4 Several interviews with Timothy O’Brian and David Cay Johnson.
5 This was part of a PBS program about Trump. I don’t remember which broadcast, but the “watch” line really stood out.
6 This, as I recall, was revealed by author of “Dark Towers”, David Enrich; the nature of mortgages being they are a matter of public record.
7 Interview(s) with Tony Schwartz.
8 Public knowledge viewed as various book tours came and went.
9 Multiple news reports heard over past 4 some years.
10 Yahoo Finance reports on investor Ray Dalio; and live interview with hedge fund manager Anthony Scaramucci, who stated he knew Trump personally well enough to just assume he’d lie about virus and so moved an unstated amount into “safer position”.
11 Interview(s) with Dr. Brandy Lee, NCLS podcast, and several saved videos of various psychiatrist.
12 Direct response to tweet which included “great and unmatched wisdom”.
13 Interview with Michael D’Antonio, presented as “authorized” biographer.
14 Reports on new book by Bolton which may or may not come out June 23rd.

All the other are just notes I made of various interviews of people who knew and/or worked with Trump as they came along (yes, listed to make graphic impression).

Search for trump truth

In search of Trump truth in the room where it happened?

Trump’s former National Security Advisor John Bolton, a long time Republican Party strategist and FOX contributor, has written a book about his days in the White House. Whatever I think of his beliefs, Bolton has a reputation for honestly speaking his mind. And, as a Harvard educated lawyer, he certainly knows he cannot publish anything which can be fact-checked away or violates “national security’. For a variety of reasons I will not attempt to read the book. Pre-publication publicity excerpts, however, would be hard to miss.

It might be easier to write this book off as “fiction” if what we hear was the only, or even first, exposure to the world of he of self-proclaimed “great and unmatched wisdom”. It is neither the first, nor by any stretch of the imagination the only such narrative. At some point the sum total of witness cannot be denied simply because it goes against what we want to believe, nor accepted because it does.

And so I add John Bolton to my list begun some years ago of credible accounts of what kind of character this Trump is.

When he came down the escalator, trophy wife in tow, based on his past exposures I had already made up my mind I’d met men like this all my life. To confirm what I wanted to believe, I suppose, began collecting notes of things said by others with much closer connection than I who ‘had no dog in the fight’.

More or less in the order I collected them, this is my list to date:

British Broadcasting Corp. 2015 documentary on business failures, unethical practices, and mob infiltration of the Trump business.

Public Broadcasting Service’s “Frontline” biographies of candidates aired during 2016 primary season.

Canada’s Toronto Star politically neutral newspaper which quit counting his false statements after some 2,000+ because it required too many man-hours.

Two Pulitzer Prize winning authors who covered and wrote about New York business scene since 1980s – both of whom Trump had to settle with and pay costs for law suits he had initiated. One of these men, David Cay Johnson, has publicly challenged Trump to him for accusing Trump of profiting from his mob connections by allowing his airplane to transport illegal drugs.

Interviews with three actual New York city Real Estate developers; one of whom I heard say “everybody in the New York real estate business knew he was a liar. He would look at his watch and lie about the time of day just to keep in practice”.

Legally recorded public documentation showing Deutsche Bank loans ‘co-signed’ by Russian oligarch with suspected ties to Russian mafia.

Ghost writer of “Art of the Deal” Tony Schwartz.

At least seven current books by eyewitness to White House conduct; including Bob Woodward, award winning co-author of articles which led to President Nixon’s resignation.

Confirmed reports of criticisms by multiple insiders, with firings of or threats to fire anyone revealed as criticizing.

Two investors making millions by assuming we were being lied to about Covid-19.

Over 100 respected psychiatrists who, out of sense of a “Duty to Warn”, risked reputation and license to publish and speak out about Trump as “clear and present danger”.

Harvard Psychology Professor stated one particular tweet made by any other person was legal grounds for 72-hour ‘involuntary hold’ for neurological and psychological examination.

Official authorized Biographer working on retainer.

The Room Where it Happened” by John Bolton.

Also, published and broadcast firsthand witness descriptions including:
        habitual” or “pathological” liar
        threat to the Constitution”

Notes to those reading this far (if any!)

These are experiences of multiple independent witnesses over a period of years. Any one could be wrong, they cannot all be false. Similar accumulations of testimony has been enough to convict more than one offender. Not liking, or not agreeing, is not an argument; nor is attacking an unrelated third party.

In “Julius Caesar” Shakesphere has Marc Anthony say: “The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones” Question: what good has Trump done which will be remembered favorably by history? If you know of one I’ll start a new list. While waiting for that I will be checking out what Bolton has to say about the evil men do.

For more on my original observation see February 2nd blog “I’ve known wolves like this all my life”.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Main Stream Media

So, Which is the “Main Stream Media” We Hear So Much About?

The first broadcast of a morning news show was January 14, 1952. It was the Today Show with host-creator Dave Garroway, who believed television could find an audience for news at 6 AM. Only nine at the time, I probably remember watching for two reasons: TV was new to us and I was fascinated there was somebody on TV named David. Also, my father was an admirer of Garroway, and I was an admirer of by father. Some years later (I forget exactly) the Today Show did a survey and found the average viewer only watched for about 15 minutes, and programming adjusted accordingly.

In 1956 NBC was alone in the TV market when starting its first half-hour national news show. At the time there was some question as to whether there actually was enough news to fill that much time. CBS, then the only other TV network, was still doing a half-hour evening newscast. To be sure they could fill the time the broadcast featured two anchors, Chet Huntley in New York and David Brinkley from D.C. Soon this half-hour approach was copied by CBS with one anchor in New York. Walter Cronkite. ABC came much later. Apparently by evenings there was enough news to keep audience attention for a half-hour.

The world and market changed. Today we have our pick of three Broadcast Network news, each has their own 2-hour morning “show”. They also have half-hour evening news with 60 seconds for each story chosen for importance out of thousands of credible, conformable thousands which come across the Internet every hour (which have to be sorted out from the pure baloney).

There are also now three Cable News choices. And, yes, there is something called Bloomberg Business News, but we don’t get it. With those I do get my experience has been that left on mute, if it is actually important, they all carry about the same stories. Sorting them out, of course, according to their own criteria. Mostly I look for anchors seen on real TV for years, or ones I just like (reminding me of my daughter helps).

On June 1, 1980, Ted Turner launched CNN, the first 24-hour cable news operation. The business model was to contract with local stations, giving CNN the world’s first instant nationwide coverage. Being solely dedicated to news, it became the reliable source for news on cable TV.

Since its sale by Ted Turner in 1996 to news-neutral AT&T, CNN has lost ground. It has suffered from both loss of local contracts due to rise of FOX and MSNBC, and the general diffusion of available advertising revenue due to rise of Internet. Also, viewers may have been lost over last few years because of CNN factually reporting what trump says and does, which may make CNN seem progressive.

In 1996 Australian media mogul Rufford Murdock established FOX News. FOX has a publicly stated business model of promoting “conservative” schema; using “news” as a baseline for such advancement. According to public information and former employees, under Roger Ailes and the Murdock family the news became subordinate to the schema. As Murdock does in England and Australia, programming is targeted at an audience which only wants that side of the story. It is this audience and business model which FOX presents to prospective advertisers.

MSNBC also began in 1996 as a partnership with Microsoft, to whom the network provides a news feed. It floundered at first in finding an audience, attempting to compete with FOX. It finally found a niche market in a “progressive” viewership, while retaining some of its original conservative journalist. This was a marketing and financial decision, and subsequent programming resulted.

Thus, we end up with EVERY news station having to assume they only have limited time, will have new audience every half-hour, and have to pick out the stories which will retain their audience’s attention and produce the ratings needed to make the only thing that counts: PROFIT.

So, which is the “main stream media” we hear so much about?

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Perfect Storm odyssey

a ‘Perfect Storm’ odyssey
by David L Lewis

The Ship of State sailed unhindered upon every sea.
Of all Ships and States the leader she’d always be.

Came a pretender skipper who’d never sailed or led.
He rented the great Ship with motives still unsaid.

From the west, quietly an invisible storm gathered.
While seething waves awoke, the ship soon hazarded.

Storms brewed, warnings sent, it can’t be that bad.
There were passengers to impress, profit to be had.

The novel skipper blissful of all outside the ship,
Denied any truth which might dare deviate his trip.

Obtuse leadership failing at hour of greatest need.
Public health forfeited to lure of political greed.

Strength strengthening strength, named it Pandemic.
Pouring out on earth, suffering and death prolific.

To avoid sorrow society did what it always must do.
We shut down our lives, many sacrifice for the few.

Most precarious economy in 90 years quickly folded.
Built on spending and debt, it was soon overloaded.

Forty-million furloughed, paid to live in one room.
At home we learned to connect by Tweet and by Zoom.

Slowly began re-openings, free to do something new.
Jobs not re-opening, freedoms meant not much to do.

Thus was formed the conflagration for a generation.
Almost unseen, combining storms reached combustion.

The Spark came with shameful death of one lone man,
Fueled by an idea whose time had come; storm began.

Spring weather, noble cause, fast winds of the Net.
Peaceful demonstrators, invaded by an evil mindset.

Unrest, absent since the 60’s, turned another tide.
A perfect storm soon overflowed barriers worldwide.

Storms reveal in skippers both the weak and strong.
The strong take responsibility for what goes wrong.

But this pretender skipper again did rant and rave.
Ignore deadly wind, he alone could calm every wave.

Battle Stations, load the guns, dominate the field.
To truth or facts pretender skippers can not yield.

All storms pass, but there is always more to story.
Preventable loss buried, any good papered in glory.

Voyages end, ships re-arm, sail again to face harm.
Who will helm our ship during a next perfect storm? odyssey to be continued?

 Posted to Brazil Times Blog September 11 2017 We were there We were there when everyone from Maine to California said it was a beautiful ...